How to send a v2 patch

When a maintainer asks you to make changes to a patch, you have to start over from scratch and resend it as a version 2 patch. There are two main things that a v2 patch needs to have.

1) Put v2 in the subject.

[PATCH v2] subsystem: Do whatever thing

You can use the -v2 option on “git send-email -v2 -1” to do this.

2) After the — cut off list the changes you have made.

Signed-off-by: Your Name <email>
v3: Fix typo in commit message
v2: Fix error code

The notes after the — cut off will not be recorded in the permanent git log.

Do not resend a patch on the same day. There is no rush. Maybe more than one person will want to review your patch so give them a day to respond. Plus resending that same day means you haven’t tested the patch.

If only one patch in a patchset needs to be redone, then resend the whole patchset. It used to be that maintainers would apply patches manually one by one so you could send a v2 for just one patch and the maintainer would pick it up but these days maintainers prefer to apply a whole patchset at a time.

Do not use the –in-reply-to option. In olden times people would send their v2 patch as a reply to the first patch. But it can make for a confusing email thread. Humans get confused and also Patchwork gets confused so it doesn’t work at all. Just start a new thread for every resend.

However, one thing that I sometimes see is when people spot a problem in their own code and resend. In that situation you *must* send a note to the original thread to say “Please do not apply this.” If there is no reply to the patch, then how is the maintainer supposed to know?

One response to “How to send a v2 patch”

  1. This has been very helpfule.

    Resending a patch after correction was very confusing to me even after going through multiple articles.

    Thanks Dan.


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